Welcome to the

Unlock Your Highest Vibration

6 Month Mentorship Program


99% of the people fail to manifest their dreams.


Have you ever felt like you're meant for more?

  • Do you often yearn to use your gifts and natural talents to make a greater impact in the world?
  • Do you ever feel like you’re wasting time on things that are too small for you? 
  • Do you desire to achieve more— serve others in a larger way but don’t know how?
  • Do you ever wonder if “this is it? Is this really all there is?

Do You Want MORE out of Life?


OF COURSE, you do! You KNOW you're MEANT FOR MORE...


You have a deep desire to matter and make an impact in the world, and you dream about:

âś“Being Happy & Fulfilled

âś“Creating a Life Full of Purpose, Prosperity, and Pleasure

âś“Upleveling Your Success, Creating a Soul-Aligned Business/Career That Makes a Positive Impact in the World

âś“Having MORE Time to Do the Things You LOVE

âś“Creating the life you DESIRE

But you just can't seem to MANIFEST THOSE DREAMS...



Hear what women are saying...


Ginger DiBernardo

I’m all about a positive mindset -

It was the many nasty limiting beliefs that were holding me back.  No one ever shared HOW to push through them!!

Until Tash & her “Unlock Your Highest Vibration” course. Tash gave me all of the tools that I needed to barrel through my limiting beliefs. They're no longer keeping me stuck and holding me down. 

I am beyond grateful for my many blessings. I know that anything I need & want is mine.  My heart is full!!!

"I've created a method that works, helping you remove your inner blocks so you can become a magnet to your desires".

My unique methodology combines Psychology, Neuroscience, Energy Psychology, Quantum Physics, and Spirituality, helping you to reprogram your mind for success, create lasting habits that will help you to manage your life optimally, and raise your vibration so that you can manifest the life you've always dreamed about. 

Lucy Trevino Hoffman

I’ve been through several of Tash’s workshops, and they’ve always had a positive impact on me and my life, both personal and business. 

Tash is a rockstar, teacher, coach, and mentor, all rolled into one! She has a huge body of knowledge, many certifications, and draws from all of it to create a unique training workshop. 

It’s quite remarkable. 

I couldn’t ask for a better, more qualified person to guide me on my self-discovery journey. 

I'm just finishing up a 3 month, in-depth training, and by far, it’s transformed me and my life. 

I’ve pushed past negativity and limiting beliefs, and have learned to focus on, and manifest,  the abundant life I desire. 

If you’re needing guidance and want to manifest your best life, I highly recommend Tash Blum. 

You won’t be disappointed!

How would you like to live a life where you:


âś”  Manifest anything and everything you want

âś”  Stop living a life full of doubt and uncertainty

âś”  Breakthrough and get rid of limited, disempowering beliefs for good

âś” Get motivated and inspired about life

âś”  Discover your higher purpose

âś”  Align with who you’re designed to be so that you can live life fully and more authentically

âś”  Deepen your Spiritual connection

âś”  Up level ALL areas of your life - health, relationships,  business, finances, etc.

âś”  Become the MASTER MANIFESTOR you were born to be!


If this is you, then this mentorship program came into your reality for a reason!

You've attracted this into your life because you are READY for change and you KNOW you're meant for MORE! 


Hi! I'm Tash. 

And I help women harness the power of their hearts and mind so that they can manifest anything and everything they want. 

As a Manifesting, NLP Practitioner,  I'm here to empower you to transform into the best version of yourself using the power of your heart and mind, helping you to align with your purpose, activate abundance, work with the law of attraction, and take quantum leaps in all areas of your life. 

I have helped thousands of women learn how to unlock their highest vibration and unleash their magical powers so they can transform their lives, their businesses, and design a life they LOVE, and I'm here to help you too!

You're not meant to go at all of this alone. You are here because the Divine has heard your desire for change and through the power of the Law of Attraction, the universe conspired to bring us together. It's time to say yes to you and the life you deserve. 


Enroll now and join a group of like-minded, heart-centered, light workers and change makers who are committed to living life on their terms. 

Carmel McRury

Are you struggling to figure out who you are and what your purpose is? Are you living as a victim of the past? Are you on a hamster wheel in your business? If you said yes to any of these just know that Tash Blum can help you! She has given me the tools I needed to reprogram my mind and live a life that is filled with love, joy, and purpose! I’m a different person than I was when I started her 12-week program and I will be forever grateful for her wisdom, knowledge, kindness and genuine love to help!

Brenda Schrader-Sanders 

I took Tash's Zero Limits back in Feb. 2022 and then continued with Tash's 3-month coaching program. WOW! I'm not even the same person. We had been looking for a small property up north for 5 1/2 months, before Zero Limits was even over, we firmed up on that property. Since meeting Tash my income has MORE than tripled, I stopped doing "grandfather" rates, I raised my rates on my 1 1/2 hour sessions. In 2021, I taught Reiki 12 times, so far for 2022 I've taught 16 times with 8 more students scheduled before the end of June. I receive numerous referrals now. I've changed my attitude about my business now. Thanks to Tash, I'm an energy psychologist - I have a name and that gave me so much clarity. I've also learned to value my time more by saying NO to the drama queens in my life. I use EFT two times a day, thanks to Tash, and get results!!! Tash, I'm so glad we met, you are the BEST, the BEST coach

SAVE $400 by paying in full!


Regular price $5000

  • 6-month Group Mentorship program (Value $6000)
  • 6 one-one 45 min. calls with Tash (Value $3000)
  • 24 modules of specialized training on manifesting (Value $1800)
  • Meditations, TIME Technique, NLP, and EFT tools to help you manifest (Value $1800)
  • Accountability, support, and personal mentoring from Tash ($3000)

Total value over $15,000 


8-MONTH Payment Plan


Regular price $5600

  • 6-month Group Mentorship program (Value $6000)
  • 6 one-one 45 min. calls with Tash (Value $3000)
  • 24 modules of specialized training on manifesting (Value $1800)
  • Meditations, TIME Technique, NLP, and EFT tools to help you manifest (Value $1800)
  • Accountability, support, and personal mentoring from Tash ($3000)

Total value over $15,000